Our Impact

We’re improving public access to care in communities.

We take more than 43,000 calls for help every month from all walks of life who need help connecting to the services and programs that can lead them to recovery. Every call has a story of hope behind it. Our goal is to inspire that hope and transform it into a story of health.

Better data leads to better services.

We believe accurate and transparent data is the backbone of effective crisis and human services. That’s why we share our live dashboard of high-level call data with the community. We want partners, donors, funders, local governments, and the public to see firsthand the need for these services and the impact we all can have by providing them.

View the 2023 Annual Report

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Help us continue to make a difference.

As a nonprofit organization, we rely on the generous support of individuals and organizations to help us continue to provide our services.

Charity Navigator has given us their “Give with Confidence” designation and a perfect score of 100 in their rating system.

We’re also a Qualified Charitable Organization, which means individuals and married couples can receive tax credits for donations to CRN.

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