Solari Selected as Statewide Crisis Phone Line Vendor for Arizona
TEMPE, ARIZONA, April 1, 2022 – As part of the AHCCCS Complete Care Competitive Contract expansion, the ACC-RBHA contractors, Mercy Care, Care1st and Arizona Complete Health-Complete Care Plan (AzCH-CCP), have jointly selected a single statewide crisis phone vendor to operate Arizona’s 24/7/365 behavioral health crisis phone lines effective 10/01/2022.
Solari was selected to enter into a provider contract with each of the three RBHA contractors.
Solari was selected after a joint Invitation to Respond process. The Invitation to Respond was issued February 18, after gathering public input in January and February 2022. Public input was provided through online surveys and virtual community listening sessions in English and Spanish.
“We are honored and grateful that the three Regional Behavioral Health Authorities have selected Solari as the single statewide crisis line phone vendor for Arizona and we look forward to extending our services to the entire state beginning on October 1,” said Justin Chase, President and CEO of Solari.